MyMedicare timeline

MyMedicare is a new voluntary patient registration model. It aims to formalise the relationship between patients, their general practice, general practitioner (GP) and primary care teams.

  • How to register for MyMedicare

    From 1 October 2023 General Practices can register for the MyMedicare program - learn more below.

  • General Practice in Aged Care Incentive

    From the 1 July 2024 practices can access the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI) - learn more below.

  • Chronic disease management plans

    From November 2024, registered patients will be eligible for MBS chronic disease management plans only at the practice at which they're registered - learn more below.

MyMedicare: key processes and resources

  • About
  • Eligibility
  • How to register General Practices
  • Linking an organisation in PRODA
  • Managing patient registration
  • Resources for GPs and health care providers

MyMedicare is a voluntary patient registration model. It aims to strengthen the relationship between patients, their general practice, general practitioner (GP) and primary care teams.



Video provided by the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.


Eligibility for general practices

To be eligible for MyMedicare, general practices must:

  • provide Medicare-funded services
  • be registered in Provider Digital Access (PRODA)
  • be registered with Health Professional Online Services (HPOS)
  • be registered on the Organisation Register in HPOS
  • have at least one eligible provider linked to the practice in the Organisation Register - eligible providers can be a vocationally registered general practitioner (GP), non-vocationally registered GP or a GP registrar
  • be accredited against the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme - non-accredited practices will have 12 months to register with an accreditation agency and gain accreditation.

Read more about National General Practice Accreditation Scheme on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare website.

For more information and support on accreditation processes, visit the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.


Eligibility for health care providers

To be eligible for MyMedicare, providers must:

  • work at a MyMedicare eligible practice
  • be linked to the practice on the Organisation Register
  • have a valid provider number and be eligible to deliver Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) equivalent services.

The provider must be an eligible GP or nurse practitioner.


Eligibility for patients

Patients can register for MyMedicare.

Patients must have a Medicare or DVA Veteran card to register in MyMedicare. There will be options for patients to register online and or in-person at their registered practice.

Read about patient eligibility on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.

How to register General Practices

To register in MyMedicare as a general practice, you must:

  1. make sure your practice is eligible
  2. link an organisation in PRODA to Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) (further details copied in the below tab)
  3. access the Organisation Register in HPOS to:
    • register your practice
    • link your eligible GPs providers
    • add the MyMedicare program to your practice registration.

If your practice is already registered and all participating providers are linked in the organisation register, you do not need to complete a second registration process.

Visit the DOHAC website for further information.

Linking an organisation in PRODA

Choose the steps below that apply to where you are up to in the registration process. You do not need to complete a step if you have done so previously. Most practices will only need to follow the instructions for step 6.

Tip* if you are unsure, follow the instruction for step 6 'Organisation Registration for MyMedicare' to see if you have access to the "green tile" (Organisation Register) before looking at the other steps.

Note* for large or complex business structures - please contact our Digital Health Team for individualised advice.

  1. Step 1 - PRODA individual account registration
  2. Step 2 - PRODA organisation account registration
  3. Step 3 - Adding members to PRODA organisation
  4. Step 4 - Managing member delegation in PRODA organisation
  5. Step 5 - Linking an organisation in PRODA to HPOS
  6. Step 6 - Organisation registration for MyMedicare

Visit the DOHAC website for more information.

Managing patient registration

COORDINARE - South Eastern NSW PHN has developed a MyMedicare workflow to help manage patient registrations.

Download the MyMedicare workflow here.

Resources for general practices and healthcare providers

General Practice in Aged Care Incentive: key processes and resources.

  • About
  • How to participate
  • Eligibility
  • MBS user guide
  • Resources for GPs and practices
  • Resources for residential aged care

The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive supports older people living in residential aged care. This will help them receive quality primary care services from their regular provider and practice.

From 1 July 2024, eligible general practitioners (GPs) and practices registered with both MyMedicare and General Practice in Aged Care Incentive will be able to receive incentive payments. These incentive payments are for providing regular visits and care planning to older people living in aged care. 

Practices and providers participating in MyMedicare can receive financial incentives for delivering enhanced care. The incentive payments will be quarterly, on top of existing Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) and Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) rebates for services delivered.

Payments are:

  • $300 per patient, per year to responsible  providers.
  • $130 per patient, per year to registered practices.


Video provided by PHN Cooperative - MyMedicare and an overview of GPACI.
How to participate

To register and access the incentive your practice must be eligible and registered for MyMedicare. Your patients that are aged care home residents will also need to be registered for MyMedicare with your practice.

Once your practice is registered for the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive, you will need to:

  • Link your providers and your MyMedicare patients to your practice.
  • Select the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive indicator on your patients’ MyMedicare profiles.
  • Link patients to responsible providers in your practice.
  • Access a step-by-step guide here.


Video provided by PHN Cooperative -  Information on registration.


Alert* New error causing issues in PRODA

Many General Practices have been experiencing a new error message that is causing issues in PRODA when attempting to link the provider to a GPACI patient in HPOS. An image of this error is copied below as an example of this error. 



DoHAC has received confirmation from Services Australia that this is a new error. It has come to their attention through the help desk as well as through PHNs, they are working with the systems team to fix this error, which is expected to go live in December. 

In the interim, the explanation is:

  • The 0831 warning displays when a provider is not eligible for the full period that the incentive indicator is assigned to the patient. Please note, this is not an error and does not restrict the ability for a practice to add an incentive indicator or assign a responsible provider.
  • As this is only a warning message, the user can continue by selecting ‘confirm’ again after the message appears to proceed with linking/adding the responsible provider.
  • Operators may also have to select ‘save’ twice.
  • Updated wording for the 0831 warning message will be updated soon to help alleviate any confusion or concern.

Any further advice from Services Australia will be circulated once received.


GP eligibility    

GPs must be: 

  • an eligible primary care provider as outlined in the Program Guidelines
  • linked to their eligible practice   
  • declared as the responsible GP of eligible services to the registered patient, including coordinating services provided by the care team or practice.  

Patient eligibility  

Patients can be registered by their GP or general practice for the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive from 1 July 2024. 

Patients must:

  • permanently live in a residential aged care home, not including respite care 
  • register with MyMedicare and link to an eligible practice and responsible GP
  • have the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive indicator selected on their MyMedicare profile by their practice.  

GPs or practices must:

  • link GPs and their MyMedicare patients to their practice 
  • select the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive indicator on their patients’ MyMedicare profiles
  • link patients to responsible providers in their practice. 



Video provided by PHN Cooperative - Detailed video on GPACI, service and eligibility requirements.

Chronic disease management: more information coming soon.

  • About

From November 2024, registered patients will be eligible for MBS chronic disease management plans only at the practice which they’re registered.

More information will be available soon. If you need any additional support, or have any questions, please contact your local Health Coordination Consultants.

Page last updated: August 2024.