Care coordination and Social prescribing programs continue
1 May 2024
Following the success of the Care coordination and Social prescribing services, COORDINARE has announced that funding for these two services will continue into 2025.
Care coordination
Since July 2022, Silverchain has delivered their Care coordination service to more than 500 clients, helping them to navigate the health service network and work through their barriers to accessing the care they need. The service has adapted over this time to help address localised needs including wound care and falls prevention.
One client, Gail* was referred to the program for frailty, wound care and management: Gail has a history of stage 2 chronic kidney disease, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, osteoarthritis, fatty liver and gallstones. She lives alone, uses a walker and has personal care twice a week. She had exhausted her home care package and is in the process of being assessed for increased funds.
Gail reported being overwhelmed with care needs and stopped attending her clinic for regular wound dressing. Once connected with Silverchain, the Care Coordinator was able to liaise with the community nurse and GP to establish a would care management plan for Gail and organise transport to assist with regular attendance at appointments.
For more information on the Care coordination program click here.
Social prescribing
The Social Rx program, delivered by PCCS, has received over 950 referrals since commencing in October 2021. The program offers up to 12 weeks of support to assist linking people to community resources such as social programs and services, physical activity programs, healthy lifestyle and food programs.
Gary* was referred to the Social Rx program: Gary was living with his father who has an alcohol addition. Gary, who had previously struggled with his own alcohol addiction wanted to focus on his health and social connections. With an interest in cycling, the rural area where he lived had limited safe options for riding his bike.
Through the Social Rx program, Gary was supported to gain a loan through the Salvation Army no interest loans scheme (NILS) to get a tow ball for his car so he could transport his bike to other locations. He was also linked in with the local bike club. As a result, Gary has been able to build on his health and fitness, maintain his sobriety and make new friends, supports and connections though the bike club.
For more information on the Social Prescribing program see here.