Your search has returned 319 results.

  • Let's talk about Hep C

    14 October 2020

    With effective treatment available to manage Hepatitis B and cure Hepatitis C, primary care providers have a vital role in eliminating Viral Hepatitis in Australia. Primary care providers are being encouraged to continue to "find the missing millions".

    Read more about Let's talk about Hep C
  • Regional snapshot - perceived need for social prescribing

    9 October 2020

    Did you know? COORDINARE recently sent out a poll to GP cluster leaders in our region to collect a snapshot of the perceived need for social prescribing.

    Read more about Regional snapshot - perceived need for social prescribing
  • Celebrating Mental Health Month 2020

    7 October 2020

    October is Mental Health Month; a great time to pause and 'tune in' with yourself and others to see how you and your loved ones are feeling.

    Read more about Celebrating Mental Health Month 2020
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    1 October 2020

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the Cancer Institute of NSW 1 in 7 women in NSW will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime.

    Read more about Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • Dr Duncan MacKinnon RACGP's NSW/ACT GP of the year

    29 September 2020

    Congratulations to Dr Duncan MacKinnon who has been named the NSW/ACT General Practitioner of the Year by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). The RACGP Awards recognise the value of GPs in our local communities and celebrate their achievements.

    Read more about Dr Duncan MacKinnon RACGP's NSW/ACT GP of the year
  • Get COVID tested and join the #swabmob

    28 September 2020

    Join the #swabmob – that’s the key message of a new campaign launched by COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW PHN this week to encourage more young people to get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms.

    Read more about Get COVID tested and join the #swabmob
  • Funding open for Round 2 of Bushfire Recovery Grants

    22 September 2020

    Applications are now open for Round 2 of COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW PHN’s Bushfire Recovery Grants. The grants aim to assist local communities in strengthening social connectedness, emotional wellbeing, recovery and healing from the 2019/2020 bushfires in the Shoalhaven and Southern NSW region.

    Read more about Funding open for Round 2 of Bushfire Recovery Grants
  • Cancer Services Specialist Letter - Handover of care to community

    21 September 2020

    eHealth NSW has developed an electronic Clinical Document Delivery Service (CDDS) for sharing patient information between hospitals, primary care providers and patients. The Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD (ISLHD) and surrounding GPs will be the first site to go live and test the new service.

    Read more about Cancer Services Specialist Letter - Handover of care to community
  • Phoenix Australia Bushfire Support Training

    21 September 2020

    As part of the Australian Government’s Mental Health Support for Bushfire Affected Australians package, Phoenix Australia will be offering training for frontline workers to better support community members affected by the 2019/20 bushfires.

    Read more about Phoenix Australia Bushfire Support Training
  • Update on the 'Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan'

    17 September 2020

    The Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan is a result of the strategic alliance between COORDINARE and the Southern NSW and Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health Districts (LHDs). It provides a shared strategy to meet the mental health needs of our local communities.

    Read more about Update on the 'Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan'
  • AOD Education Opportunities for GPs 

    16 September 2020

    There are several opportunities currently available for GPs looking to improve their knowledge and understanding of Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD).  

    Applications are open now for - RACGP AOD GP Education Program: Treatment Skills Training.

    Read more about AOD Education Opportunities for GPs 
  • What our Friends of COORDINARE told us about telehealth

    14 September 2020

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a rise in telehealth consultations between community members and health professionals. In July, we launched a telehealth survey to understand people’s experiences of accessing telehealth via phone and / or video, and whether you would like to see telehealth continue beyond COVID-19.

    Read more about What our Friends of COORDINARE told us about telehealth